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Kreiss Privacy policy

Kreiss privacy policy

The purpose of the privacy policy is to provide the natural person (data subject), with information on the purpose of the processing of personal data, the legal basis, the volume of processing, the protection and the deadline for processing data and the processing of personal data by the data subject.


I. The controller and its contact details

1. Personal Data Controller for Seminar / Event Visitors; clients; for the visitors of the websites, as well as the candidates for the vacancies, who have submitted the application is SIA “Kreiss”, unified registration No.40103116320, registered address: “Bērzlapas 5”, Marupe, Marupes novads, LV-2167 (hereinafter – Company.

2. The contact details of the company in matters related to the processing of personal data, including information on potential data breaches, are

3. Using this contact information or addressing the Company's legal address, you may ask questions about the processing of personal data. A request for the exercise of their rights may be made in accordance with paragraph 24.


II. General provisions

4. Personal data means any information about an identified or identifiable natural person.

5. The privacy policy shall apply to the provision of privacy and personal data protection for the following groups (hereinafter collectively: Customers):

5.1. for natural persons - candidates (candidates);

5.2. visitors to seminars/events;

5.3. Customers of the enterprise (including potential, former and existing);

5.4. For visitors to Internet homepages maintained by the company.

6. The Company shall take care of the privacy of the Customers and the protection of personal data, respect the Customers' right to the lawfulness of the processing of personal data in accordance with the applicable law, the Law on the Processing of Personal Data, Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the free movement of personal data (hereinafter: - Regulation) and other applicable law in the field of privacy and data processing.

7. The privacy policy applies to data processing, regardless of the form and/or environment in which the Customer provides personal data (on-site, on the Enterprise's Internet homepage, in paper format or in telephone).


III. Purpose of processing personal data

8. The enterprise processes personal data for the following purposes:

8.1. For the supply of services:

8.1.1. Identification of the customer (legal person) representative;

8.1.2. the preparation and conclusion of the contract;

8.1.3. the supply of services (for the fulfilment of contract obligations);

8.1.4. the development of new services;

8.1.5. consideration of objections or claims;

8.1.6. the administration of the settlement;

8.1.7. recovery and recovery of debts;

8.1.8. for the maintenance and improvement of the functioning of home pages.

8.2. Business planning and analysis;

8.3. Customer safety, protection of company property;

8.4. In order to ensure the conduct of the recruitment contest and to ensure

their legitimate interests, in so far as they are related to the recruitment:

8.4.1. in order to evaluate the conformity of the candidate with the requirements specified by the Company to the specified vacancy;

8.4.2. in order to enter into a contract with a candidate who conforms to the requirements specified by the Company;

8.4.3. in order to raise, implement and defend the lawful requirements of the Company.

8.5. For the legitimate purposes of the undertaking:

8.5.1. to perform commercial activities;

8.5.2. to verify the identity of the Customer (representative of the legal person or authorised person, natural person) prior to the purchase of services;

8.5.3. to ensure the fulfilment of the obligations of the contract;

8.5.4. to maintain customer applications and applications regarding the provision of services;

8.5.5. segment the customer database for more efficient provision of services;

8.5.6. to develop and develop services;

8.5.7. to send other reports regarding the progress of the performance of the contract and the events relevant for the performance of the contract, as well as to perform customer surveys regarding the services;

8.5.9. to prevent the taking of fraudulent activities in relation to an undertaking;

8.5.10. to ensure corporate governance, financial and business accounting and analysis;

8.5.11. to ensure effective management processes of the undertaking;

8.5.12. to ensure and improve the quality of services;

8.5.13. to administer payments;

8.5.14. to carry out video surveillance for business security;

8.5.15. to inform the public of their activities.

9. An entity may process candidates' personal data for recruitment purposes for the specific vacancy to which the candidate applies or for future targeted personnel selection, if the candidate has agreed.form the public of their activities.


IV. Legal basis for the processing of personal data

10. Legal basis for the processing of personal data by an undertakingfor the following purposes:

10.1. Provision of services:

In Article 6(1):

  • point (b) (the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract which the contracting party is a data subject, or for the taking of measures at the request of the data subject prior to the conclusion of the contract),
  • point (c) (processing is necessary to fulfil the legal obligation applicable to the controller) and
  • point (f) (processing is necessary to respect the legitimate interests of the controller).


10.2. Business planning and analysis: Article 6(1)(f) of the Regulation (processing is necessary to meet the legitimate interests of the controller).

10.3. For customer safety, protection of company property: Article6(1)(f) of the Regulation (processing is necessary to meet the legitimate interests of the controller).

10.4. For the conduct of the recruitment contest:

In Article 6(1):

  • point (a) (the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes),
  • point (c) (processing is necessary to fulfil the legal obligation applicable to the controller) and
  • point (f) (processing is necessary to respect the legitimate interests of the controller); Articles 33, 35, 38 of the Labour Act.


10.5. Legitimate (legitimate) interests of the undertaking: Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation (processing is necessary to meet the legitimate interests of the controller).


V. Processing personal data

11. The Company processes Customer Data using modern technology capabilities, considering existing privacy risks and the Company's available organisational, financial and technical resources.

12. The company can make automated decision-making with respect to the Customer. The client shall be informed separately of such activities of the Company in accordance with regulatory enactments.

13. Automated decision-making, which has legal consequences for the Customer (such as approving or rejecting a customer's application), may only be made in the course of a contract between the Company and the Customer, or based on the explicit consent of the Customer.


VI. Protection of personal data

14. The Company protects Customer Data through modern technology capabilities, considering existing privacy risks and the reasonably available organisational, financial and technical resources of the Company, including through the following security measures:

14.1. Firewalls;

14.2. Intrusion protection and detection programmes;

14.3. Other protective measures in line with the current technical development possibilities.


VII. Categories of recipients of personal data

15. The entity shall not disclose to third parties the Customer's personal data or any information obtained during the provision of services and the duration of the contract, including information about the services received, except for:

15.1. in accordance with the clear and unambiguous consent of the Customer;

15.2. persons provided for in external regulatory enactments, upon a reasoned request thereof, in accordance with the procedures and extent specified in the external regulatory enactments;

15.3. in cases specified in external regulatory enactments for the protection of the lawful interests of the Company, for example by appealing to a court or other State institutions against a person who has touched the legitimate interests of the Company.


VIII. Transfer of personal data

16. The undertaking shall not transfer personal data to third parties, except to the extent necessary for the reasonable exercise of commercial activity, ensuring that the third parties concerned maintain the confidentiality of personal data and ensure adequate protection.

17. An entity is entitled to transfer Personal Data to the Company's suppliers, subcontractors, strategic partners and others, which assist the Company in carrying out its business to its customers in order to implement the relevant cooperation. In such cases, however, the Company requests an undertaking from data recipients to use the information received only for the purposes for which the data was transmitted and in accordance with the requirements of the applicable laws.


IX. Access of third country entities to personal data

18. The company does not transfer personal data to third countries (outside the European Union and the European Economic Area).


X. Duration of the storage of personal data

19. The enterprise shall keep and process the Customer's personal data until at least one of the following criteria exists:

19.1. only if the contract entered into with the Customer is in force or the service is provided to the Customer;

19.2. the data is necessary for the purpose for which they have been collected;

19.3. while fully examining and/or fulfilling the referred to in the Customer's application;

19.4. while in accordance with the procedures specified in external regulatory enactments, the Company or the Customer may exercise its legitimate interests (for example, to submit objections or bring an action before a court);

19.5. while the Company has a legal obligation to store data;

19.6. while the consent of the Customer to the relevant processing of personal data is in force, if there is no other legitimate basis for the processing of data.

20. After the conditions referred to in paragraph 19 cease, the Customer's personal data shall be deleted. Audit records shall be kept for at least one year from the date of their performance.

21. The undertaking shall keep and process the personal data submitted by the applicant for a period of 6 (six) calendar months after the end of the selection, or until the consent of the applicant for the relevant processing of personal data is valid, if there is no other legitimate basis for the processing of the data, and the personal data shall be deleted after the end of that period.


XI. Access to personal data and other Customer rights

22. The client has the right to receive the information specified in regulatory enactments relating to the processing of his or her data.

23. The client shall also have the right, in accordance with regulatory enactments, to require the Company to have access to its personal data, as well as to require the Company to supplement, rectify or delete them, or to restrict processing with respect to the Customer, or to object to processing (including the processing of personal data made on the basis of the legitimate interests of the Company), as well as the right to data portability. These rights shall be exercised in so far as the processing of data does not arise from the obligations of the Company imposed by the applicable laws and regulations, which are carried out in the public interest.

24. The client may submit a request for the exercise of his or her rights in the following way:

24.1. in a written form at the Enterprise Office in Marupe (address: “Berzlapas 5”, Marupe, Marupe municipality, LV-2167) or by means of a postal service;

24.2. in the form of electronic mail, by signing with a secure electronic signature and sending to an e-mail address:

25. Upon receiving the Customer's request for the exercise of its rights, the Company shall verify the identity of the Customer, evaluate the request and comply with it in accordance with regulatory enactments.

26. The company's reply shall be sent to the Customer by post to his or her contact address in a registered letter or to an e-mail with a secure electronic signature (if the application has been submitted with a secure electronic signature), taking into account, as far as possible, the type of response specified by the Customer.

27. The enterprise shall ensure that data processing and protection requirements are fulfilled in accordance with the regulatory enactments and, in the event of objections from the Customer, take appropriate action to resolve the objection. However, if this fails, the Customer has the right to apply to the Data State Inspectorate.

28. The customer is entitled to receive one copy of his or her personal data free of charge.

29. The receipt and/or use of the information referred to in paragraph 28 of this document may be limited to the objective of preventing adverse effects on the rights and freedoms of others (including employees of the Company).

30. The company undertakes to ensure the accuracy of the Personal Data and relies on its customers, suppliers and other third parties who transfer the Personal Data to ensure the full and correct of the Personal Data transmitted.


XII. Customer's consent to data processing and right to withdraw it

31. The client shall give consent to the processing of personal data on the legal basis of which the consent is based (for example, the receipt of commercial communications, analysis of personal data, receipt of loyalty cards) in writing at the Company's Office, the Company's Internet home page and mobile apps, or in another location where marketing activities are organised.

32. The client shall have the right to withdraw the consent given to the processing of the data at any time in the same way as it is given and/or in accordance with the procedure laid down in paragraph 24. In such a case, further processing of data based on the prior consent for that purpose will not be carried out in the future.

33. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the processing of data carried out at the time when the Customer's consent was in effect.

34. Withdrawal of consent shall not lead to the interruption of the processing of data carried out based on other legal bases.


XIII. Commercial communications

35. Communication on commercial communications concerning Enterprise and/or third-party services and other non-directly contracted services (e.g. customer surveys) The Company shall be conducted in accordance with external regulatory enactments or with the agreement of the Customer.

36. The client shall give his or her consent for the receipt of commercial communications by the Company and/or its partners in writing at the Company's Office, on the Company's Internet home page and in mobile apps, or at another location where the Company organizes marketing activities.

37. The consent given by the customer for the receipt of commercial communications shall be valid until it has been withdrawn (also after the termination of the service contract). The customer may at any time refuse to receive further commercial communications in any of the following ways: 37.1. by sending e-mail to the address:

37.2. by submitting a written submission to the Enterprise Bureau;

37.3. using the automated possibility provided for in the commercial notification to refuse to receive further notifications by clicking on the sign of withdrawal at the end of the relevant commercial statement (e-mail).

38. The company stops sending commercial messages as soon as the customer's request is processed. The processing of demand depends on technological capabilities that can be up to three days.

39. When expressing your opinion in the surveys and leaving your contact information (e-mail, phone), the Customer agrees that the Company can communicate with him using the contact information provided in connection with the customer's assessment.


XIV. Taking pictures and filming

40. Customers (visitors to the workshop and event) are informed that, in certain cases, when the photos or video recordings of visitors to the Enterprise event are reflected in the Company's work in the mass media or in the Enterprise Information Features (the Company's Internet home page), the legal basis for such data processing is to respect legitimate interests, except if the interests or fundamental rights of the data subject. the fundamental rights and freedoms requiring the protection of personal data are more important than those interests, particularly when the data subject is a child.

41. The undertaking shall inform the participants of the measure of the planned processing of personal data in accordance with the requirements of Article 13 of the Regulation by placing information on the processing of personal data in invitations and before entering the site.


XV. Visits to websites and handling cookies

42. Cookies may be used on the company's home page:

42.1. Cookies are files that websites place on users' computers to recognize a user and make it easier to use a website. Internet browsers can be configured to alert the customer to the use of cookies and allow you to choose whether the customer agrees to accept them. Not accepting cookies will not prevent the customer from using the website, but this may limit the customer's use of the website.

42.2. The company's home pages may contain links to third-party Internet homepages that have their own usage and personal data protection rules, for the completeness of which the Company does not bear responsibility.


XVI. Other provisions

43. The Company has the right to make changes and supplements to the Privacy Policy and to make it available to the Customer, place it on the Company's Internet home page.

44. The company retains previous versions of Privacy Policy and is available on the Internet home page.